Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gearing up for Christmas

This was a very busy week for me. After the stress of last weekend's show, I took a bit of a break from sewing to clean house, and start cooking for Thanksgiving dinner which I hosted. The dinner was great and we had a good time. I also awoke Turkey day morning to a huge order from my cousin in CA which really made my day!

My house is a mess yet again due to the boxes and bins of Christmas decorations in every room! The tree is up, the outside decorated and some things are out, but I will have to finish up today. It is snowing, sleeting, and raining here so it will be a good day to get it done.

On top of it all, I have my middle daughter's 11th birthday on Tuesday so I also had to shop for that yesterday and I have to wrap today. Thankfully here in PA the girls are off from school tomorrow because of hunting season opening something or other.

I have custom orders to get done so that I can start sewing the Christmas gifts I have planned. I also have to make my oldest a dress for the Christmas dance Dec. 20th.

So, that is just a taste of what I have coming up, not to mention the school concerts, parties, and other social engagements on the calendar.

I wish you all a fun holiday season, whatever it is you celebrate and take the time to really enjoy each moment, they won't come again.

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